The Last Beacon
Science Fiction In the year 2145, Earth had become a husk of its former self. The once vibrant blue planet was now a barren wasteland, ravaged by centuries of exploitation and war. Most of humanity had left in massive colony ships, venturing into the stars to find a new home. However, one small group remained behind, living in a hidden underground facility known as “The Vault.” They were scientists and engineers, determined to restore Earth’s dying ecosystem with one final, desperate plan. Dr. Elena Vasquez, a renowned biologist, led the team. For years, she had studied ancient data from the 21st century when Earth's climate had just begun to deteriorate. She believed that hidden deep within Earth’s crust was a substance capable of rejuvenating the planet—a theoretical mineral called “Aeon,” which could catalyze rapid plant growth and purify the atmosphere. Yet, no one had ever found it, and many believed it was nothing more than a myth. One day, as they were drilling deeper into